Sunday, February 24, 2013


I attempted to write this entry in many platforms. It has many versions addressing different issues. It is call as Temporospatial in my HP Notebook. First I write it in Malay as Temporospasial (for the lack of Malay vocab to it) but I figured out that other than daily conversational Malay, my Malay literature writing is so freaking rusty that it sounded like an Indonesian language with a hint of ‘trying-too-hard’ in its base note. It was called A Temple of Addict in my Acer Laptop and ‘Apprecaiting The Bird’ in my Tablet’s Evernote. Each has not resembles each other in theme and each has lost its flow so expect an abrupt halt and no segue. So, since I haven’t been writing entry for almost 2 months (count me as an exaggerator), I decided to combine them in sub-entry. Bear in mind I was caught in certain mind-frame and state of be-ing (sic) when they were written. They were meant to be read and forgotten. Don’t take it in, I’ll tear you a good one later. Here it is.

Temporospatial = Time + Space

My creative writing convulsion has subsided and I am now trapped in monotonous routine of the uninspired. Living  life for the sake of it, killing time, exist and persist. My middle and inferior temporal gyri, my frontal lobes, cease sparks of action potential. Living on consistent supply of glucose (and caffeine) and thriving and downsizing, might as well atrophy prematurely, imitating senility. Deprived of cognitive and high executive function, let just go back to natural instinct and native, re-establishing primitivity.

Space is framework for which we exist and supposedly function. Without evolutional function, we just exist in countless questions. With physical adaptation for survival ensue. "Survival of the fittest" says Darwin, the uglies and genetically mutated still exist.

Point to a spot, put a name to it. Do something in verb. Existence isn’t a verb, die is. I’m trying hard to rest my mind. An oxymoron. Despite my body in a position perpendicular to gravity lying on a mattress and sometimes stays parallel to it, with flexed knee and hip *I could easily say sitting* . Rest is not supposed to be such task, it will rendered it ridiculous; trying hard to do something that consist of doing nothing.

I’m hardworkingly lazy, hardly working, not studying. Taking my lazy stride, moving on my own pace, despite upcoming thunder and storm. They told me not to stand under a tree or tall pole (the only time I'll be next to a pole, either I am visiting Fire Station or dancing around it, whichever comes first). They also tell me not to walk on open field, so I stay at home. They told me I’m lame for that, they told me I should go out more. But the thunder and storm? The pole? The tree?

Heart belongs in a body, safely nested and protected in mediastinum slighftly shifted to left. With skin, muscle, rib bones, visceral fat to shelter it; hugs by pair of lungs. Why should I give it away when it belongs to me. My coronary is not guaranteed 80% unblocked, it doesn’t necessarily working outside of me. It skips a beat or two, something they just sprinting at a glimpse of something endearing; a cheesecake or chocolate, what else do you think? Don’t go all Shakespearean sonnet on me. Another evolved bipedal organism with higher mental function? Will it be in tachy for them?

In this time and some space apart, we are standing deciding. I am a man not oriented to time, place and person of where the other half went to and when shall we meet.

This is a mind purge, understanding not required.

*I decided to keep those entries separate, it has different mood to it. But watch out for those two aforementioned entry later though.

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