Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wiser With Age Part 2

Tachycardia & Apnea

In medicine, these aren’t usually common combination. When falling in love, these are. Prove of love fatality.


The side-effect of romantic love is stupidity, blindness, and obsession…and pregnancy.


They say French are the most Romantic. Then how do you define Roman (Rome)? Frenchic (French Chick)? That just racist and sexist. These are just geographically incorrect.

Love Intention

Man’s love is sexual and woman’s emotional. Somehow we just believe we are meant for each other when we not even after the same thing. That, in animal kingdom was called symbiosis. Anemone and clownfish.

Marriage & Option

The complication of love. This is terminal. You are in it because you can’t be somewhere else. Or there is nowhere you rather be…because you just lost an option the moment you say ‘I Do’.

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