Friday, November 13, 2009

Wiser With Age Part 1

Late at night or early in the morning, I got the philosophical strike. My mind was streamed with ideas and opinion. So these are some of them.

Baggage & Handcarry

People carry around their baggage of past mistakes all the time it reminisce them with its heaviness. That is why when you lost it in airport's baggage claim, you don't ask, you don't complaint, you walk away with your handcarry. Cause that is so much you can carry. The baggage? It came with tiny roller wheels not for a cosmetic reason. It is heavy, leave it behind.

Wound & Remedy

The thing about physical wound is, no matter how extensive it is, it’ll heal. Sometimes with scar and deformities. But it heals. The other kind of wound is when you don’t know where it hurts, but you can feel the pain. It’s sharp, throbbing, it’s painful, but you don’t know where to heal so you just ‘bleed’. It’s a constant ‘bleeder’ doctor just can’t mend. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men. We know what wound it is. We just can’t treat them with neither conventional or sophisticated medical intervention. The only prescription (and that is not even medicinal) …is TIME.

Callous & Irritant

Constant superficial irritation will make you blister to callous. The problem with people is, they attend to the callous. Little that they understand that it’s the irritant you should get rid off.

Emotional Cancer

The funny thing about obsession is, it just won’t stop. It became malignant, it metastasize, it felonious. At time it just suicidal.

Flight & Ground

The reason man is not supposed to fly because if they did, they just forget to put their feet back on the ground once in a while.

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