Monday, May 07, 2012

Action/Reaction + Cause/Effect

Upon checking my long-abandoned Evernote, I realized that I have lots of unpublished writing in there. They were written in some random enlightened moment. Mostly in some hypnopompic moment. The one below was written with my tablet on 16th February 2012.

If one thing you can safely extrapolate from reading my entries, you must certainly appreciate (figure of speech) that I am radical at thinking, blatant vulgar and always at constant shortage of pleasantry in speech.

Some might at some extent concluded an inference that "Must be badly taught by his parent this god forsaken fella is,". Well how can I blame you from adhering to a common and typical (idiosyncrasy) notion. If you are to be analogized to Occupy Wall Street movement, you are easily pass for the 99%.

If behavior and personality is easily inherited, than Iman must be that stride on a beach too. But no, according to Raihan song, it is not. Bad blood is what people likes to refer to those with undesired manner. Must been nurtured and deeply rooted in one's very foundation. Amalgamated to his very soul. Replicated in his gene.

If i were to adhere to what my parent taught me as with any parents even Hitler's, I will surprisingly turned out to be a gentleman with heaven-insured behavior. But I am not, I learn on my own experience that in order to survive, being nice and kind is somehow a weakness. Though our religion would not permit it, Islam also provide a way of taubah. There will be no need for repentence if there is no sin. What it is to be repent for if you have not commit a sin. Not a simple matter of problem and solution. This thing stretch farther and deeper. Let us just agreed that we were born flawed and through life we'll learned.

Desperate attempt for social recognition, public acceptance will have you at conflict with your own conscience. If you manage to go through life's challenges with well-preserved manner, and integrity unscratched you must be an exceptional person next to mere theory. Some elusive creature.

But as much as you pretend to be at well-composed manner, donning on a socially-acceptable sets of behavior with well-maintained exterior, deep in your heart, you...oh you wanted to kill and swear on a person who wronged you pretty bad.

If there is no heaven and hell. No punishment. No judgement. Will you resort to being nice and restricted or let yourself free being the real you.

I'll leave you at that

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