Sunday, February 12, 2012

Holier Than Thou

"Moral define personal character, ethic is standard of behavior expected by a group of people." Ally Craig on Remember Me

I don't fancy morale police either those entitled to it or self-electing themselves. The thing about morale police is their classical delusion of 'Holier Than Thou'.

"I am good, you are bad, you go to hell, bye bye." 

These people are so obsessed with correcting 'wrong' things according to SOP of Exact Right Way of Living (those who stray, will go to hell, affirmative) that they were prisoner of their rigid mind. Seldomly open for logical argument that debating cases against their constricted opinion. They have a rough and rude approach towards what they perceived as wrong. They never subtle, they feel somehow obligated to bombard people in as hurtful way possible hoping that'll break people down to change, and proud of this 'water-boarding' method. Maybe to retarded or animals it'll somehow work, but to completely sane human, it never end that well. 

If you are sun-baked matured enough, you might learn how to best approach certain immorale behavior that is. I always adore how UAI approach people, he incite people to want to change. He befriends people no matter how 'astray' they are. He didn't nag people like that Ophtalmologist Motivator everyone is crazy about. I used to 'LIKE-ed' her page, but she sounds so naggy that it annoyed me, what with her long torrential back-to-back status update, somewhat forcing (not really motivating) people to change. I can't help it but be offended so I "dis-LIKE-ed" her. She need to chill and be cool. If I want people to nag me, I'll go back to high school.

Those who held a modern way of thinking and seeing things will be labeled as secular and liberal by the rigimind (rigid minded). "Do this and no other way or you go to hell". God the Most Merciful provides us million ways to his blessing and grand prize of heaven. Why should we block the collateral paths.

That is one of the reason that I am being selective in my Facebook. I only add people that I know in real life. Because they get you. How you behave in real life. So anything I write in my status will be seen in a light of how I might convey them in real life, the tone and all. Some people just don't get what is sarcasm. They didn't understand so they took it personal on stuff unrelated to them. This is the morale police I talk about. I mean why bother adding me again after been deleted before, the moment you are approved, first thing you do is offended me, not really bother to be subtle about it. It makes me think that the reason you add me is to insult me. Like hell no you not gonna break me that way.

Like...who to fuck you think you are. Cunt-face. (pardon me, can't help it, need to vent this anger or I'll resort to murder)  

My advice to this people is, you should go out and explore the world beyond the comfort of your own home. So you can see world colored in spectrum other than black and white. Open your eyes and mind, loose yourself a bit, don't be so tense 24-7. You ain't winning no prize for that.

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