Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jalan Silang

Masa yang sangat senggang amat jarang digunakan untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat hatta untuk mengupdate blog demikian. I'm not interested to write regarding my 'Lie to Me' successful encounter.

Sekarang ni kepala hotak tengah berkecamuk dengan pelbagai hal-hal duniawi termasuk yang melibatkan keputusan masa hadapan. By masa hadapan bermaksud bukanlah hari esok atau 5 minit akan datang.

Ia tidak berkaitan sama sekali dengan how cluttered my space is, as cluttered my brain is (<--see present tense, means ongoing). So menulis blog adalah the last thing on the list selepas menyepah rumah dan mengkomplikatedkan kepala hotak untuk melihat betapa messy-nya kadar percikan brain matter apabila had kestressan dilepasi.

Seriously people, we are going to have difficult time there if our knowledge is below par. What the hell are you smokin'?

So for me, there will be tonnes of insults and embarrassments to face there. Thus I actually laid out different alternatives other than furthering MBBS. Banyak sangat faktor-faktor yang mengekang kemahuan untuk mem-MBBS kan diri. Apart from loan yang sangat limited, unnecessary fee, time, and melancholicity; minat juga sebenarnya dah kurang. Kalau bukan kerana harapan keluarga and tonnes of money they've spent, aku lebih prefer further in different pathway. Money-wise, being doctor is not necessarily rich. To improve your social status, yes.

So there will be blood, brain matter and lots and lots of cleaning afterwards. So here I am 6.42 early in the morning sipping out OJ on an empty stomach, there will be stomachache and lots and lots of running to the loo too. Damn my complicated over-analyzing brain.

P.s: that someone really need to define their sentiment real serious. I am about to declare emotional celibacy for a non-chalant heartbeat. So unless you stop your repetitious pathetic stare, you might as well do yourself a favor. Because being cold, I am one heck of a monster.

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