Secret Glancer
The old eccentricities of people reruns like a an old film. What with the stares and glances. If they want to say something they should say it instead of a deep secret stare. It started not so long ago and keeps on happening everytime there's an opportunity for it. They should say something that bothers their head. It doesn't bothers me that they stare, it bothers me because of the frequency and inappropriateness of it. You really should say something Secret Glancer, I won't bite. I promise.

Last night I dreamt of a grave in my balcony. It happened to be that the grave been there for long and we finally realized it. So upon waking up, I went to Google and search for it's interpretation. Here it goes:
"To dream that you are at a grave, indicates that you need to delve into your own unconscious in search of an issue that you thought had been put to rest. You need to stand up for yourself for no one else can do it for you. Alternatively, it represents something is about to be completed in your life. You are leaving behind the old and making a new start. The dream may also be a pun on feeling grave or concerned about a serious or sad situation."
But before that, in the previous REM, I dreamt that I am a fake handicapped in a battery operated wheelchair who works in charity home for a handicapped. In worked in a bookstore selling tonnes of weird title book. I only faking handicap in front of my father and once he drop me in that charity home, I walk normallly. So I look it up, and here it says:
"The wheelchair is a symbol of a handicap, though not necessarily a physical one. It is an indication that you have been relying on the assistance of others instead of handling your problems yourself. You may feel that you cannot control some aspect of your waking life. Conversely, it may mean that you are letting the people in your life take advantage of you or 'push you around." You must not allow anyone, no matter how close, to use you. If you dream of a friend or family member, able-bodied in your waking life, that uses a wheelchair should be seen as a call to action. They are in desperate need of your help but cannot bring themselves to ask you outright; instead your subconscious mind has picked up on subtle hints. Seek them out and offer your friendship and your help."
After that, my friends came to the store and ask me to go for lunch with them. It was in a big hall where nobody else and we were sitting on a mengkuang mat on the floor. As we enjoying our meal, some makcik walk across us and simply walk over our plate and dishes. It is so annoying that I came looking for that makcik in the kitchen. I scolded her and people hit her. Afterward, I must've change into another REM.
What a strange dream, most importantly, how I still can remember it upon waking up. I usually forget my dream but this one stays. Weirds stuff from my wrecked up brain.
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