Minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir berada di HRPZ II, technically. Sekarang adalah masanya untuk menyiapkan semua long case yang ada untuk di-review oleh Ketua Jabatan O&G. While I clerked enough patient to complete 4 long cases, I realized that most of the cases were damn boring. TR in Pregnancy, Breech, GDM, False Labor. So minggu ini adalah minggu terkejar-kejar cari kes. Bermaksud kitorang bakal menyerang ward Mawar untuk mencari kes gynea jika keadaan sungguh darurat.
Jumaat lepas kitorang dimaklumkan bahawa apart from total 16 cases, kitorang juga perlu menghantar 1 thesis yang dipilih dari 16 kes yang ada. Damn! Perasaan sekarang macam nak belasah sesuatu atau seseorang (<--if you know who I meant). A thesis is not a fucking (<--there I said it) simple thing to do. And we are told by that entity last minute. Where the hell can we find a complete and thorough case to be magically compiled into a thick (smack your head) book we called thesis. Unless it was a cohort study of some sorts that we can simply get from multitude of journals, this thesis is no joke. Oddly enough, up till now, the decision-making people not yet come to a conclusion on whether to go with it or not. Why can’t they just made up their mind, make our lives miserable and torturous. We need to know the final words whether we should venture deeply into the archives of gazillion records or not.
I’ve done thesis in my diploma time and I know it is not an overnight job. With title of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), I had to venture deep into the internet infinite web to look for references and credible sources. I had to review more than 20 journals and publications in order to find the latest research and advanced in managing MS. I went to library to look for books and flipping through thousands of pages. IMS wants us to complete it in one month. With forensic medicine final examination coming, pending long cases, viva and presentation to be done, really, they are smart in mathematical calculation I say.
'nuff said. On 26th March, we were probably involved in assisting Medical Check-up during the convocation of certain college. It is not yet confirmed but the Specialist involved already asked whether we were still around during that particular day and whether we are willing to help out. Thankfully we’ve had some experience handling Mini Clinic before. So to those people who doubted about our credibility on handling Mini Clinic listen here “Even HRPZ II specialist requested our assistance,” that is enough to tell that MSC Mini Clinic is valid. I’m referring to once a rascal alias rude student who had an argument with me in the MSC chat box back then (not so long ago), if only I know who.
Struggling with my long cases now. Had to submit them to the Head of Department of O&G within this week. Harap-harap aku ada kesabaran dari menonton House Season 6 yang baru siap download menggunakan wifi connection haram nih.
Peace Out Home Dawg!
Jumaat lepas kitorang dimaklumkan bahawa apart from total 16 cases, kitorang juga perlu menghantar 1 thesis yang dipilih dari 16 kes yang ada. Damn! Perasaan sekarang macam nak belasah sesuatu atau seseorang (<--if you know who I meant). A thesis is not a fucking (<--there I said it) simple thing to do. And we are told by that entity last minute. Where the hell can we find a complete and thorough case to be magically compiled into a thick (smack your head) book we called thesis. Unless it was a cohort study of some sorts that we can simply get from multitude of journals, this thesis is no joke. Oddly enough, up till now, the decision-making people not yet come to a conclusion on whether to go with it or not. Why can’t they just made up their mind, make our lives miserable and torturous. We need to know the final words whether we should venture deeply into the archives of gazillion records or not.
I’ve done thesis in my diploma time and I know it is not an overnight job. With title of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), I had to venture deep into the internet infinite web to look for references and credible sources. I had to review more than 20 journals and publications in order to find the latest research and advanced in managing MS. I went to library to look for books and flipping through thousands of pages. IMS wants us to complete it in one month. With forensic medicine final examination coming, pending long cases, viva and presentation to be done, really, they are smart in mathematical calculation I say.
'nuff said. On 26th March, we were probably involved in assisting Medical Check-up during the convocation of certain college. It is not yet confirmed but the Specialist involved already asked whether we were still around during that particular day and whether we are willing to help out. Thankfully we’ve had some experience handling Mini Clinic before. So to those people who doubted about our credibility on handling Mini Clinic listen here “Even HRPZ II specialist requested our assistance,” that is enough to tell that MSC Mini Clinic is valid. I’m referring to once a rascal alias rude student who had an argument with me in the MSC chat box back then (not so long ago), if only I know who.
Struggling with my long cases now. Had to submit them to the Head of Department of O&G within this week. Harap-harap aku ada kesabaran dari menonton House Season 6 yang baru siap download menggunakan wifi connection haram nih.
Peace Out Home Dawg!
salam...I know who you meant..haha
but of course, that (the thesis) is no laughing matter...
I wonder, if such blunder could be made, whatever going to happen in the future? =.="
that's why...our program is like weather...constantly change. it's like they woke up with a new idea and they want it to be implemented right away.then they go flip-flopping between here and there.
since 2004 til now...i am very well learned about them...indecisive is thier middle name
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