Friday, November 20, 2009

Wiser With Age Part 8

Wound & Resolution
Healing wound is resolution. Deep wound leaves scar. Being scarred, we made resolution – to never get hurt anymore. Like all resolution, it deemed not to last. We get cuts and bruises again. Because pain is an addiction. An ethos.

Most today’s female thought that being harlot can advance their chance of getting mate. The truth is, only dogs prefer bitches, and he never committed to her. Just a recreational lapse.

Kingdom & Government
We thought that we are better than animal because we civilized. Human got government. Animal got kingdom.

Infidelity is not because we no longer love, it is because we have surplus of love to be showered on one person. We don’t want her to drown.

“Prepare yourself,” is what we tell the family before we call time of death
“Prepare yourself,” is what we tell our comrade before we off to battlefield

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