Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wiser With Age Part 6

Optimistic vs. Pessimistic
Being pessimist come with lots of perks. Being pessimist makes you watch your back. Being optimist gets you stabbed on your back.

Is abnormal bad or just different

The Sky and The Earth
When the sky is falling, it hits the earth and you. When the earth is falling, it hits you. That is a pathetic excuse for a humanity.

Blindspot is the area in your retina that unable you to see images once they fall onto focus on. People seem to abuse this tiny spot to overlook bigger things like reality.

Love Blindspot
Though tiny, blindspot plays greater role in inflicting blindness predominantly in the lovesicks’.

1 comment:

Nomad Melayu said...

I like the sound of the first one, haha


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